PRESIDENTS MESSAGE by Jim Buelow May, 2020
I hope this message finds all of you safe and in good health. Susan and I are fine and sticking close to home. We did venture up to Yogi Bear Campground in Gloucester in mid May to celebrate Susan’s birthday. Had a few RV’s there on Sunday, but it was almost deserted during the week and the weather was rain, rain, and rain. But we made the best of it and enjoyed getting out in the coach.
Now for a little Dogwood business:
Pandemic - As you know, the pandemic is having a major affect on our lives, and that includes RV life. And that will not change for awhile. National, Area and local rallies have been cancelled, campgrounds closed, and travel restricted, in addition to the health concerns that all are exposed to. But as I write this message, things are looking up a bit, and hopefully we can get back to some type of normalcy in the not too distant future, and have some great gatherings. Hang in there, we will get through this.
Dogwood Rallies - The only one cancelled thus far was the Devil’s Backbone Rally scheduled for May 18. That was unfortunate, but necessary. The remaining rallies for 2020 are still scheduled and we will do our best to have them. The determining factor will be the Pandemic status. And on a positive note, we have put together a tentative rally at AmeriCorps/VFW on July 16-19, 2020. See specifics on this and other rallies in Reid’s Rally Master Report.
Dogwood Elections for the 2021-2022 term will be held later this year, and the Nominating Committee consisting of Buck Buchanan, Carol Warthan, and Rich Bonewitz will be reaching out to members to fill vacant positions. We currently need to fill the elected positions of VP of Communications, VP of Rallies, and Nominating Committee Member, along with the appointed position of Care Person. Please step up to fill our vacant positions, and thanks to those who have already agreed to assume or to continue on in their current position.
FMCA/Eastern Area Vice President Election Results – Ed Fishers National Directors report includes the results of the FMCA AREA VP Elections. Gaye Young was elected as the Eastern Area VP. On behalf of Dogwood, I sent Gaye an email wishing her the best of luck and pledging our support to her and EAMA.
Committee Update – At the Christmas Rally, we formed 2 committees, one to pursue possible locations/plans for our 25th Anniversary Rally in 2021, and another to come up with ideas to change our name/activity badges. The tentative plan was to have an update report by around midyear. As we are approaching that point in the new future, I would ask that the two committees provide an update report to be published in the next newsletter in August. Thank you.
There are some interesting articles and information in the newsletter. Please take the time to read the entire newsletter. And thanks to Paul for another great letter, and thanks to all of you for all that you do to make Dogwood the great chapter that it is.
Until we meet again and hopefully that will be in the near future, take care and be SAFE.
Jim Buelow
Dogwood President
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