Monday, June 1, 2020

VP Rally Report May June 2020

RALLY MASTER REPORT by Reid Saul        May, 2020
Reid & Jenny Saul

Hello all, hope every one of you have been staying busy throughout the Coevid-19 craziness and staying safe. Here is the status as if this point in time for 2020 rallies.

May 1, 2020 – Virtual Dogwood Rally – Hosted by Andrea Monaghan, and inspired by Paul Cummings. The first ever Dogwood Virtual Rally was held on May 1, 2020, 5-6:15 P.M. and what a fun time we had. Approximately 27 members signed on in various garb and background scenes along with their favorite drink concoction. Jim Buelow updated the attendees on recent Dogwood news and most of the time was spent getting updates on member activities and just good old fashion conversation. We also welcomed new members Pace and JoAnn Minns to the Dogwood family. And Andrea collected a list of drink concoctions from members who participated. That list was sent to attendees of the rally. If you did not get a copy, contact Andrea at Although virtual, it was nice to get the Dogwood family together. Thanks again to Andrea and Paul, and to all those who participated. Paul is working on the video of this rally and will include a portion of or, all of the video on the blogsite in the near future. 

May 18-21, 2020, Devil's Backbone Rally:  Unfortunately, this rally was cancelled due to the Pandemic. Possibility it could be rescheduled for the fall, but nothing defininite. Thanks to the Hill’s, Greene’s, and Thorpe’s for stepping up as Hosts.

 TENTATIVE July 16-19, 2020 Americamps/VFW Rally: Jim Buelow has reserved 20 sites at Americamps Jul 16-19. Buck Buchanan has also reserved the VFW facility in Mechanicsville for a dinner on Jul 18 from 4-8 P.M. This will be a no-frills rally. Only rally fees at this time will be for the VFW dinner (about $12-$14.00 per person including tip), and possibly $1-2.00 per coach for rally room fees at Americamps. If Americamps is fully up and running by then, they provide free breakfast each day, along with a free dinner on Thursday night. If that doesn’t happen, we will adjust as necessary. Plan now is to do a Pot-Luck dinner on Friday. You are responsible for making your own site reservation at Americamps. Cost is $50.00 per night. Call 804 797-5298 and let them know you are with Dogwood. If you don’t wish to join us at Americamps for the entire rally, we encourage you to come to the dinner only at the VFW on Saturday.  
 NOTE: We will make a final decision whether to proceed or not with this rally by Jun 20 based on the Pandemic.  And if we proceed, a registration form will be sent out at that time.  I would suggest holding off on your reservation until we make a final decision. SAVE THE DATE. And call me if you have questions. Jim Buelow 757 876-7399. 

August, 2020, The FMCA 102nd International Convention in Lincoln, NE has been cancelled.

September 30 – October 3, 2020, The GEAR RALLY in Lewisburg, WV has been cancelled

September 1-8, 2020 - Boothbay, ME Rally - Per Rich Bonewitz, as of this date, the Maine rally scheduled for Sep 1-8, 2020 at Shore Hills Campground in Boothbay, ME is still on. Attendees thus far include the Alexander’s, Bonewitz’s, Groves, Halls, Mimms, Schoolar’s, and Tillman’s.
There is still plenty of time to sign up, however; the campground books up early, so if you are interested, contact Shore Hills at 207 633-4782 ASAP to make your reservation, and also contact me at or 301 481-6003. Rally schedule and rally fees if any, will be finalized at a later date. Basically meals will consist of Lobster, Lobster, and Lobster (LOL). Come join us for a FUN time in BEAUTIFUL Maine.
Thank you, Rich

September 8-10, 2020 - The Lake Anna Rally hosted by Andrea and Roger Monaghan is still on at this time. More information will be forthcoming in the near future.

November 5-8, 2020 - The Oyster Festival Rally in Urbanna, VA hosted by the Alexander’s is still planned. Spaces for this rally are limited and fill up quick. Contact Berkley Alexander at 804 754-1308 to sign up.

December 4-6, 2020 - The Christmas Rally at Americamps in Ashland, VA hosted by Herbert’s, Kuiken’s, and Meyer’s is still planned and hopefully the Pandemic will be well under control and a thing of the past by then.

All of these rallies are only made possible by the hosts that would like
to make them happen. Due to the Coevid-19 issues and other restrictions
and limitations, if the hosts decide not to hold the rallies, I understand

Thank you for time and keep on RVing.

Reid Saul
VP of Rallies

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