Thursday, August 22, 2024

Safety Article – Jul/Aug 2024

Tires, Where the Rubber Meets the Road, Part 1

By Butch Jones


Tires and wheels (rims, if you are younger than 60), are the feet and legs of a recreational vehicle, or any vehicle for that matter. When they let you down it can be a devastating, even deadly experience. The subject of tire safety is complex, sometimes confusing and can bring out strong opinions. Just as talking about engine oil, specific vehicle manufacturers, sports teams, and politics, one must be careful and present facts and clearly label opinions. 


  Since this is an involved and necessary subject it may take several articles to cover. We will begin with some basic things about recreational vehicles and how they affect tires. Then we will delve into the other factors of how to get the best use from our RV tires.


  Let us get started …  Continue Reading






Wishing everyone safe travels.

Butch Jones, Safety Chairman
FMCA Dogwood Chapter 


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