Hello Dogwood! I trust all are well, or close to it, and enjoying this blazing hot summer. First up this month, please check out our Blogsite for the latest news about our upcoming rallies – we have a bunch scheduled and they are always great fun. We also have some very good writers in this club, and their write-ups on the rallies make for great reading. I encourage all of you to contribute your travel stories and photographs for our enjoyment – I love reading about everyone’s travels! Makes me want to ignore the price of diesel fuel and go camp somewhere!
We have gained several new members this summer, including John & Gail Taylor, Tom & Joan Evans, Cara & Roy Brinkley, Darrel & Terry Tenny, and Tom & Carolyn Spiezio. Welcome aboard and I hope to meet each of you very soon.
Coming back from GEAR, several of us came down with Covid; Jean got hit hard but the Paxlovid worked its magic, and we are laying plans for the next trip. This month I’m working at the Motorcycle Races and Jean is going to Granddaughter’s first birthday, and we are attending a Bluegrass Festival in early September in Buena Vista, VA. Plus, we are registered for the Outer Banks Rally in October. BTW – Mr. B’s is having another bluegrass festival on September 15-17 at his place in Woodford, Virginia. Jean and I are checking our calendars for this; if you are interested, drop me a line. We also have several club members traveling out to the FMCA Convention in Lincoln, Nebraska this month and I look forward to hearing from them in the next newsletter.
Please be thinking about rallies for next year; at our December Christmas meeting we will lay out plans for 2023 but we need your inputs! I have been to several great campgrounds and festivals this year, and I know you have too. So bring your ideas and let’s get them on the club calendar.
Finally, this blogsite is all about information; at GEAR back in July I learned that we are one of the few chapters with an electronic system for getting info out to the club. Many of the clubs still rely on US Mail; now I'm not “dinging” that, but I believe our system/blogsite and management are way ahead of those in our other chapters. And club information keeps us all going – places, people, activities and national “stuff” from FMCA. I feel this part of Dogwood is very, very important and you should be able to tell that as you read. If you like what you see on our site, please contribute – stories, advice, photos, etc. We love it all.
Safe travels and I’ll see you on the road.
Dogwood President
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