Friday, September 4, 2020

Secretary Report July 2020 Minutes

  Dogwood Chapter Meeting Minutes, Americamps Rally
                                                     July 17, 2020 

Note - Our Secretary Jean Herbert was unable to attend this rally, and in her absence, and at the request of President Buelow, Karen Alexander agreed to and took the minutes of the meeting. Thank you Karen.
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Buelow at 7:13 p.m.
Jim asked that Covid 19 Safe practices be followed during the rally and that masks are required at the VFW function.
Rally Updates for 2020 provided by President Buelow 
Aug, 2020 – Lake Anna -The Monahan’s have agreed to host a mini rally at their lake house on Lake Anna. Tentative dates are Aug 26-27 or Aug 28-29. More to come on this later. This will replace the Lake Anna Rally tentatively scheduled for early Sep.
Sep. 1-8, 2020 – Maine Rally – This rally is still planned although there are some Covid 19 restrictions in Maine. Information on those restrictions was previously provided to all Dogwood members. 
Nov 5-8, 2020 – Urbanna Oyster Festival Rally - Per Berkley and Karen Alexander, although the Oyster Festival has been cancelled, the rally is still on at this time. Spaces are limited to around 10 coaches. Contact the Alexander’s if you are interested.
Dec 4-6, 2020 – Christmas Rally at Americamps in Ashland, VA -  Rally is still planned and Dave Meyer, one of the hosts discussed facility options with the campground. We will use the rally room, a tent, or both. Specifics will be worked out as we get closer to the rally.

25th Dogwood Anniversary Rally - Several members of the Planning Committee were present. As of this time, no specific date or location has been established for the rally. However, serious, but tentative discussions are in progress to hold the rally at Americamps in July or Sep, 2021. If a new rally room is not built by then, Americamps is willing to put up a large tent with AC and power. More to come later on this.

Member update presented by President Buelow
Gaye Young – Newly elected EAMA VP is recovering from COVID 19. She is improving and hopes to be released from the hospital next week.
 Marcy Vreeland – Marcy passed away on July2, 2020. Her and husband Mike are long time members of Dogwood. Mike is taking things one day at a time trying to get through this. A card from Dogwood was sent to the Vreeland family, and a donation from Dogwood will be sent to a local Food Bank in Marcy’s memory.
David Meyer - David’s intensive cancer treatment is complete and initial test results are very positive. PET scan next week for additional results.
Cummings Family - Daughter Amy is progressing well with her new prosthesis and PT. Nancy remains in WY and Paul is at home in VA.
Dale Robison – Dale had knee replacement several weeks ago and is progressing well with her PT and in good spirits.
Carol Warthan – The Buelow’s recently spoke with Carol and she is doing well. She sold their house, coach and Donald’s motorcycle, and is building a new house out east of Urbanna close to her daughter. She hopes to visit us at Urbanna.
Officer Elections for the 2021-2022 Term -Per President Buelow, plans are to hold the elections at the Christmas Rally instead of by mail/email. It is much less complicated. 
FMCA Update - Berkley Alexander gave us a brief update on issues at the FMCA level concerning membership declines and financial issues. Tentative plans are to reduce dues back to $50.00 and cancel FMCA Assist. These actions have to be approved by the Executive Committee. John Reynolds, current FMCA Treasurer, has announced his intention to run for FMCA President for the next term.
Treasury Update – Per our Treasurer, Pat Allen, the current balance in the Dogwood Treasury is $3,144.15. The issue of how much money from the Dogwood Treasury would be used to support the Dogwood 25th Anniversary Rally. No amount was agreed upon as we did not have a quorum. Will be decided later.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 P.M.

Karen Alexander for Jean Herbert

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