Friday, September 4, 2020

Reid Saul, VP Rally Report

Rally Master Report by Reid Saul       9-2-2020

Reid and Jenny Saul
Hello everyone, hope all is well and you are getting out and about
despite all of the crazy Covid-19 goings on the last couple months.
My kids have finally started back to school part time and things are
moving forward.

Here are some updates for the rest of the year on rallies that are still
scheduled and for those that were held since our last update.

 Americamps/VFW Rally Summary by Jim Buelow    
The Dogwood Americamps/VFW Rally was held July16-19, 2020 at Americamps Campground in Ashland, and was hosted by Jim and Susan Buelow, along with Dave and Nanette Meyer. Attendees included the Allen’s, Alexander’s, Buelow’s, Marion Cockrell, Dale Clarke, Greenwood’s, Hunter’s, Meyer’s, Monaghan’s, Schoolar’s, Sohles, and Tilman’s. In spite of the Corona Epidemic, we had a nice crowd, and we did wear masks and practice social distancing. And we had a wonderful time.
   On Thursday evening, we all gathered at the Monaghan’s coach for social hour and heavy snacks. Friday we all gathered in the rally room for a delicious pot luck dinner. No shortage of food as usual. We had a short business meeting, and later some gathered around a fire provided by the Meyer’s.  On Saturday evening, we traveled to the VFW Post in Mechanicsville, VA for a social hour and a delicious lasagna dinner prepared by VFW manager Cassie and her assistant Stephanie. Thank you Buck Buchanan for setting this up. After dinner, we viewed the 25th Dogwood Anniversary video, and the 30th Gear Anniversary video, both produced by our own Paul Cummings. Thank you Paul. The group really enjoyed seeing the videos. And after we returned to the campground, another fire at the Meyer’s was enjoyed by a larger crowd. Thank you Dave and Nanette.
On Sunday morning we said our farewells, and were “on the road again”.  After months of staying home and isolated, it was really great to gather with Dogwood friends. Thanks to all who attended, to our host’s, and to Americamps, and the VFW.      
SAFE Travels,

Lake Anna Rally Summary  by Andrea Monaghan

The Lake Anna Rally was held August 28-29 at the Monaghan’s beautiful lakefront home on Lake Anna. Andrea’s summary of the rally follows.

The first Lake Anna Rally was blessed with a beautiful though warm Friday and a quieter though rainy Saturday.  Attended by Jim & Sue Buelow, Jean & Ed Herbert, Patti & Henry Kuiken, Joanne & Pace Mimms, Ed & Anke Fisher, Terri and Dave Moberly, and hosted by Andrea & Roger Monaghan with friends Maggie and Dusty.  Friday, we spent the day either catching up or out on the water and on Saturday enjoyed a re-do of the plentiful food (we at Dogwood always eat well) - thanks everyone.  Be well, safe travels and hope you can join us for our next Lake Anna rally.

Maine Rally September 1-8, 2020. Booth Bay, ME hosted by Bonewitz's,
So far it sounds like 12 coaches have signed up for this rally. That's
good, considering all the crazy Covid-19 issues. Contact info, Rich at
301-481-6003 or

The Urbanna Oyster Festival Rally November 5-8, 2020. Hosted by Berkley
and Karen Alexander. Per Berkley and Karen, although the majority of the Oyster Festival has been cancelled, the rally will still be held at Ed Fishers as it has been
in the past. Spots are limited to 10 coaches, so give Berkley a call to
sign up at 804-754-1308.

Dogwood Christmas Rally December 3-6, 2020. Hosts are the Herbert’s, Kuiken’s, and Meyer’s. When this rally was booked last year, there was a conflict with another group for the use of the rally room. Since that time Dogwood rally hosts have been working with Americamps Management to come up with a solution to accommodate our needs for the rally. Options include the use of a tent, for our entire rally, or using a combination of the tent and rally room, and possibly going out for dinner on Saturday night. The host’s are working on a plan and as soon as we know the final details, we will inform everyone.  

Dogwood’s 25th Anniversary Rally update by Connie Tilman  

Corona virus has jumped right into the middle of our planning Dogwood chapter's 25th anniversary celebration for 2021.  Our anniversary month will be June, but it seems prudent to push the celebration date to later in the year, hoping the virus will be under control.  September 2021 is where the committee is aiming. I have several calls into Jim Kirby at Americamps in Ashland. VA, asking to book there.  Still waiting for his input.  He has indicated to Jim Buelow a willingness to help make the event happen there.  Americamps is a good central location for the rally and a good location for past or even current members to commute. The committee is working to plan a long weekend rally AND a second celebration at GEAR in Lewisburg, WV during the Sept.29 to Oct. 2, 2021 rally. At that location, we will celebrate at our usual evening chapter get together and invite all FMCA and GEAR officers who will be able to attend our event within an event and will not have to stretch their travel budgets to include a trip to Ashland. Plan now to attend GEAR!  At the December rally, the committee plans to put these two 25th anniversary events on the rally calendar.

25th Anniversary Committee
Connie Tilman
Karen Alexander 
Andrea Monaghan
Patty Kuiken

Please be safe in your travels!
Reid Saul VP of Rallies

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