Wednesday, April 1, 2020

President's Update April 2020

Jim & Susan Buelow

Presidents Message by Jim Buelow,     3.31.20

Hello Dogwood Family,

I hope that all of you are doing well and keeping a low profile during this very difficult time. There is some important information we needed to get out to you on several different subjects, so we are doing a mini newsletter. I want to thank Butch Jones and Ed Fisher for their articles on the Corona Virus Pandemic, and also Paul Cummings for his challenge to all Dogwooders to do a Dogwood Virtual Rally. Please join in for some fun during this difficult time. Information follows on those subjects.

In closing, I want to wish all of you well, and I strongly recommend that all of us heed the suggestions to "wash your hands often for 20 seconds, social distance, STAY HOME, and seek medical attention if you have COVID 19 symptoms. We will get through this and we will send out any additional news and information as needed to keep you informed. We will RALLY as soon as possible. Take care and be SAFE.

Jim Buelow
Dogwood President

757 876-7399

Devils Backbone Rally, May 16-18, 2020 Cancellation

After discussions with rally hosts Rob and Donna Hill, along with Rally Master Reid Saul, regretfully, the decision has been made to cancel. the May 16-18 rally due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. I know the rally is still more than 6 weeks away, however, it doesn't appear that this Pandemic is going to end anytime soon, and there are just too many variables that make the decision to continue with the rally risky. The utmost concern is the health and safety of our membership and cancelling the rally will help to ensure that. It is disappointing, but I think necessary, and the right thing to do at this time.

The Hills have contacted the campground to cancel the overall rally. However, those of you that have made a reservation will need to contact Jesse at Devils Backbone Campground (540 817-6061) to cancel your reservation. Have your reservation # handy. Do not call reserve America as they cannot cancel your reservation. The only charge will be a $3.50 cancellation fee.  

Thanks to Rob and Donna Hill, Robert and Nancy Greene, and Kenny and Marsha Thorpe for stepping up to host this rally; it is located in a beautiful area. And there is a possibility, nothing firm yet, that we could do this rally in the late September time frame.

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