Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Covid 19 By Butch Jones

By Butch Jones
Butch Jones

I guess by now you have all heard about enough about COVID-19 and I agree that the 24 hour nonstop media coverage is getting a bit much. However, I would like to take a moment to touch on a few safety issues.        
  The first is that we should ALL follow the guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control, regardless of how “healthy” we seem. This should be done if not for yourself, for others around you and your family. This is a deadly virus which can cause respiratory distress in anyone. I will not go into the specifics of the disease or the countermeasures as you should be familiar with them by now, if not go to the CDC website, in fact go to almost any website and you will find the guidelines.
  What I am mainly concerned with is that it is getting time to “head home “for many Dogwooders and that may not be such a good idea. Wherever you are now may be the best place to stay until this crisis stabilizes and you know what lies ahead. 
  Americans have a tendency to not like being told what to do much less what not to do. Some have already reached the point of “I don’t care I am going to do it” stage. And that is not good. I have found that regardless of how dumb something might be, if you want to do it, you can justify to yourself that it is ok and “everything will be alright”. Well in this case to misquote Jeff Foxworthy “you might be a moron”. If it is just yourself you will be endangering then I say “go for it”, but, in almost every instance there will be other people that could be affected if you decision is incorrect. And I believe that unnecessary travel at this point in time is almost all travel is unnecessary. 
  I just pray that my dad stays healthy until this situation stabilizes as a trip to Virginia at this time is not something that I want to consider. 
  So I would implore all of you to take stock of where you are, abide by the CDC guidelines and stay where you are if at all possible. Remember the life you save might be your own.

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