Friday, February 7, 2025

Dogwood Lunch in Titusville, FL - Summary

Feb 7, 2025...

We all enjoyed a wonderful lunch and each other's company, earlier today at Dixie Crossroads in Titusville, FL.

In attendance were:

Dixie Crossroads in Titusville, FL

Connie & Ed, with their guests, Jim & Nancy.  
Jack & Mary, 
Buck & Linda, 
Pat & Clint, 
Jim & Susan, 
Dave & Nanette, 
and Bonnie.

Sohles weren't able to attend as Steve is getting over a bout of Covid - we missed them and wish him well!

Thanks to Connie for making the arrangements and coordinating everything!

And as a bonus 😀 - Connie shared a picture from a dinner at the Oakwood Smokehouse in Clermont on Jan 22nd.

Attending dinner were the Tilmans, Warrens, Alexanders, and Allens.

Oakwood Smokehouse in Clermont, FL


Jean and Ed said...

Connie & Ed - thank you so much for coordinating all this! We are sorry we missed it, but are glad that the club could meet and have lunch together. Thanks again for all you do for Dogwood!
Jean & Ed Herbert

Jack Warren said...

Thank you Connie. Mary and I are having a great time being included in the Dogwood events. We had no idea have many times we would get to meet up with Dogwood members in Florida when we joined in Virginia

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