Saturday, June 29, 2024

VP Communications Update – May/Jun 2024

Hello All.  There were no changes or additions to our Membership Directory – the latest version was distributed on April 11th.  Please let me know if you have any updates for me.  


Happy to report we were able to get the refrigerator fixed in time for our trip.  Our trip got off to a rocky, self-inflicted delay, but 4 hours later we managed to get back on the road!  I’ll save that story for another time.  

Nanette and I made our way out to the INTO Area Rally in Muskogee, OK.  Along the way out we spent 3 wonderful days in Nashville with George & Clairevon Nixon.  We need to do that again!  Then on to Memphis, Lake Dardanelle, and finally to Muskogee.  


Dave & Nanette
We were watching the weather and storm activity very closely.  Contrary to what Ed would have you believe we were NOT chasing the storms – we were doing our best to avoid them!  We can deal with rain, thunderstorms, (even a tropical storm), but when they are warning of tornados, golf ball-sized hail and straight-line winds of 60-70 mph… we wanted no part of that!  Luckily the weather cleared for the weekend of the INTO Area Rally and we had a great time.  Organized very similar to GEAR, we met a lot of nice folks, attended several seminars, and enjoyed the evenings’ entertainment.  But the ice cream social at GEAR last year was hands-down much better!  Oh, and by the way, Nanette let me spend way too much money on new “toys” from the vendors!  

US Honor Flag case

 One highlight was learning about The Honor Network and the United States Honor Flag.  Nanette & I had the opportunity and honor of saluting, holding, and passing the flag between fellow veterans Sam Poteete-Libby (President, Military Veterans Chapter- FMCA), and her husband, Matt Libby.  For more information on the organization and what they do, please visit their website at .


Nanette holding the US Honor Flag

Gary Milner, FMCA National President, highlighted all of the benefits and programs we enjoy as members along with new initiatives in the works.  But he also briefed “The State of the Association” and shared his views on a number of issues the organization is facing.  Many revolving around decreasing membership numbers, lower attendance at rallies and conventions, and cost increases affecting operations and our benefits. As they work to increase revenue and decrease expenses, it sounds like we can expect to see changes potentially impacting our annual dues, membership benefits, and how the international conventions are planned and run.  The FMCA Treasurer Report was shared in May (posted to our Blogsite) and highlights some of the issues he discussed.  It will be interesting to hear what comes out of the convention in Redmond, OR this August.


By the end of the rally, the severe weather was firing back up, so we made a few detours working our way back home.  We had a good trip and will share more on our stops along the way in the near future.  


Please share your travels and adventures – I’d love to share your stories with the chapter!


We do have reservations for the Lobster Fest Rally in Boothbay, Maine, this year, and are looking forward to that – Finally, we get to go!  


Hoping to see many of you there!

Dave Meyer, VP Communications
FMCA Dogwood Chapter


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