Saturday, December 31, 2022

President’s Message – Nov/Dec 2022

Dogwood 2022 Christmas Rally
Hello Dogwood! As I write this, I am still thinking about the great Christmas Rally we had last weekend at Americamps. We had some FMCA-mandated business items to do, and we did those with good efficiency and positive results. We now have 60 members (families/coaches/FMCA members) in our club – that is great news. I want to thank all the “old-timers” in the club for the warm welcome and fellowship offered to our latest members during this rally.  Old and new – it makes this club special.  I also want to thank the folks who stepped up to leadership in the club – Dave Meyer, Jean Herbert (my

Dave, Nanette, Nancy, Pace, Jim, Ed, Jean, Pat 

better half), Pace Mimms, Pat Allen, Butch Jones, Nanette Meyer, Ed Fisher, Nancy Greene, and Jim Buelow – without these folks a club doesn’t happen, so I am very glad they are here. And thanks to Patty and Henry Kuiken, and Rich Bonewitz for their support over the past two years. From the rally, two items of special note: 1) our finances are in good order, and 2) we have 60 members in the club.  Why are these important? Well, in the past two years, FMCA membership of motorcoach owners has actually declined while towable ownerships have increased, and nationwide, about 25 chapters have shut down due to Covid, lack of members, etc. So, we are doing pretty good, I’d say.  
One area that I am concerned about is Rally Planning. We have a new Rally Master, Pace Mimms, but he doesn’t do all the planning. Rather, he is the coordinator and “guy with supplies” for rally hosts. Yes, we need rally hosts for this year. I know we penciled in several rallies at our business meeting on Saturday at Americamps , but three of them were FMCA-related events. We need folks to step up for Dogwood events. Now the Christmas Rally was, and has always been, a big deal for the whole club, but you don’t have to match or copy that. Getting four or five coaches together for a weekend is a perfect rally size. Group meal preps are OK, but you can always just go out to dinner at the local restaurant and sitting around the campfire talking is a perfect way to spend the evening. Weekend get-togethers at your local campground make for a perfect rally. Pick it, plan it, and send Dave Meyer a message to get it on the club calendar – you will be amazed at who shows up! And if we have two in one month, so much the better. So, I encourage all Dogwood folks to look at their calendars and think about hosting a rally. If you have questions, please call me. I would love to come to your rally. 

Safe travels, Merry Christmas, and Happy Hannukah!  

Ed Herbert
Dogwood President

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