Sunday, August 28, 2022

VP Communications Update – Jul/Aug 2022

Hello Dogwood.  I wanted to share a few tips on the Blog that I hope will be helpful to you.


We added a new shortcut for you on the Blog's menu bar.  Along with the shortcuts to the Rally Schedule and Details,  we added one for our Member’s Stories.   Clicking on it will take you to a list of stories and articles submitted by you – our Dogwood Members.  Now, you will notice there is only 1 story listed right now, but it is a good one, submitted by Robi Robison.  Thank you, Robi.  Over the coming weeks, I will add additional past stories to the list.   AND I look forward to adding new stories from all of you, so don’t be shy.  We are looking for your stories, travel adventures, RV modifications and fixes.  Send them in for all to enjoy 😊   


Here is a picture of the shortcut menu bar on the Blog.


Now, you may be wondering why I circled the Dogwood Chapter…  Well, because clicking on it (actually anywhere on the logo) will bring you back “home” to the top of the main Blog page.  


I also added a link to the Member’s Stories on the right-hand side, under “Get the Whole Story”.  So, you have more than 1 way of getting to the list and I will let you decide which one is easier for you.  


One other thing I will mention here.  At the end of each Blog Post, you have the ability to post and share Comments.... check it out!

I hope this is helpful and welcome your feedback and suggestions.   As always, let me know if you have any issues or questions.   Our Dogwood email address ( comes straight to me.  I try to check it daily and do my best to respond as quickly as I can.  


Hope you are all well!  Safe travels!

Dave Meyer, VP Communications 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave, great job on the website!!

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