Susan & Jim Buelow |
Sending our Prayers and Good Thoughts to Susan and Jim Buelow.
We have GOOD News to share!
Hello Dogwood Family,
Just wanted to pass on some good news from the Buelow Family. But first, we want to again sincerely thank all of you who have sent cards, emails, texts, phone calls, and your Prayers and support. It is beyond special.
Today we met with the surgeon who provided us with the after surgery and pathology report. Susan was originally diagnosed with Ductal cancer in her left breast. After 2 unsuccessful Lumpectomies, the surgeon recommended a mastectomy of the left breast. Susan elected to have a double mastectomy to better her chances of no future cancer, and thank God, that was a wise decision. The after surgery pathology report indicates that all of the cancer was removed. It also indicated that there was not only Ductal cancer on her left side, but also invasive cancer. Her right side also showed a significant amount of Ductal cancer. None of this had previously shown up on imaging reports. Five lymph nodes were also removed and basically all were benign. All very good news.
During our visit, they also removed drain tubes and what a relief for Susan. Tonight we sleep in a bed for the first time in 9 days. Recovery and rehab are the next priorities for the next 4-6 weeks, along with a few more Oncology doctor appointments, but Susan is making good progress physically. She is still very emotional about what has taken place, but we hope that it too will pass. Please continue reach out to her if you like, as it really means a lot to her.
Take care, be safe, and thank you again for your support, friendship and Prayers.
Jim and Susan
(Posted 8/10/2022)
Hello Dogwood, Wanted to share our update with everyone.
Susan's surgery went well and she is now back home and resting.
We will continue to provide updates as they become available.
Jim and Susan would like to thank everyone for your good wishes, cards, and prayers.
(Posted 8/4/2022)
Hello Dogwood Family,
We hope that all is well with you and your families.
Many of you already know that Susan is going through early stages of breast cancer, and we just wanted to update you on her situation. Unfortunately, things have not gone as well as we expected and planned thus far.
First, we want to sincerely THANK all of those of you who have contacted us in person, phone, emails, and cards to send well wishes, kind thoughts and Prayers. We are really grateful, and it literally brings Susan to tears.
Susan has what is called Ductal Carcinoma In SITO. (DCIS). It is a noninvasive cancer in the milk ducts, and in the very early stages.
On July 1st, she had a Lumpectomy to remove the cancer. On July 15th, she had another Lumpectomy because the first surgery did not get it all. Unfortunately, neither did the second surgery. Since that time, we have met with several different cancer specialists to get options and opinions on the best treatments. The surgeon and radiologist are now both recommending a single Mastectomy without radiation as it has risks and possibly major side effects. Hormone medication for 5 years would also be highly recommended. And it also could have major side effects.
Susan has tentatively decided to have a double Mastectomy. This should better her chances of not having a problem in the future and significantly reduce the need for hormone treatment which she doesn't want.
Surgery is scheduled for August 8th at Riverside Hospital in Newport News. Plan is to spend one night in the hospital and then home recovery which will take 4-6 weeks. Prognosis is very good. Susan is not in any pain now, but is really bummed emotionally as this is her second time around with cancer. She says hello and sends her best.
We will keep you posted on Susan's progress. And positive thoughts, words and Prayers for Susan and our family are welcome and sincerely appreciated. We will get through this.
Be safe, take care and best regards,
Butch and I are sending you healing prayers and a quick recovery.
We're so happy to hear the surgeon got all the cancer! Now you can concentrate on healing and getting back to doing the things you love, mainly camping!! Much love to you both!
Gary and I want Susan to know she is in our prayers. Unfortunately I am going in for breast cancer in my left breast on Sept.8. Susan we will be chatting later in Sept. be strong it’s far from easy as I will be facing it soon. Prayers coming your way ❤️🙏. The Chadwick’s
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