Sunday, July 31, 2022

Carolina Crossroads Rally - Summary


First, I want to thank this chapter for allowing Wayne and I to be your host for this rally, held at Carolina Crossroads RV Resort, in Roanoke Rapids, NC. We are new to the chapter and had only been to the Urbanna Festival last October. So, we were handling this not really knowing what was expected.


Most all coaches arrived Thursday, so we threw together a small reception Thursday afternoon. We split into 2 groups for different restaurants on Thursday evening, and returned to camp for a fire that evening.


Friday was also a free day, so we visited with new friends, and several of us went into town to the Riverside Mill - our main unofficial sponsor of the Welcome bags. Paula there put out a special display just for us for the weekend, offering lemonade and goodies, as well as a separate display of her vendors gifts and usable items for the '"camper". Friday evening, we cooked on site and had a great time visiting and getting to know new friends.


Saturday plans were changed just a bit as we had intended a pontoon boat ride. Wednesday we had to make the decision to bring or not due to weather forecast. So, we did not. Weather turned out to be beautiful, so sorry guys!!  The pool offered relief from the heat, and folks went and did their own thing for the day. We met back for a social time, then went to a local steakhouse restaurant called Haggerty's.


I think the highlight for the weekend was the Scavenger hunt. All seemed to enjoy and everyone participated in some fashion. Even others at the campground wanted to get involved, posed for pictures, and helped with clues. After dinner Saturday, back at the gazebo we gave out the prizes for most points and had laughs with the great and unique ways our group determined answers to the clues.

 Sunday was goodbye for most, so we had pastries and drinks and wished all safe travels home.

Dogwood Rally at Carolina Crossroads - Jun 2022


Respectfully submitted, 

Lynn Nelson


Anonymous said...

Excellent write-up! Way to go,Lynn

Anonymous said...

Super Rally Lynn and Wayne. We had a ball and look forward to hanging out with you guys in the future. Thank you very much.

Jim and Susan Buelow

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