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Fairleigh & Cil Schoolar |
Please keep Fairleigh and Cil in your Thoughts and Prayers!
Hello Friends. Wanted to keep you updated on Fairleigh and Cil. Cil sent us email this afternoon...
"Fairleigh underwent a triple bypass yesterday and is doing remarkably well. His nurse indicated that they were going to have him walking by this afternoon. He said he feels great but is dying for a glass of water.
We would like to thank our Dogwood family for their phone calls, emails and texts. Your thoughtfulness & concern for us is very touching."
(Posted 8/7/2022)
Hello Friends. Wanted to keep you updated on Fairleigh and Cil. I spoke to Cil yesterday afternoon, and Fairleigh's by-pass surgery is now scheduled for Tues, Aug 9th.
They are both ready and ready for it to be done and behind them so they can move on with life and get back to normal!
Cil will send updates as they become available.....
Here is their mailing address:
Fairleigh and Cil Schoolar
Southern Leisure RV Resort
505 NW 21st Ave, Lot #290
Chiefland, FL 32626
Dave Meyer, VP Communications
(Posted 6/5/2022)
Hello Friends. Wanted to keep you updated on Fairleigh and Cil. I spoke to Cil yesterday afternoon and Fairleigh is doing well, back home and resting.
At last report, Fairleigh was scheduled to have stents placed on Tuesday and be released shortly thereafter. But, the doctors determined he had several blockages and needed to wait to heal from the pacemaker procedure. He was sent home with a bottle of nitroglycerin tablets and is scheduled for an echocardiogram on 7 July.
Once they complete the Echo, the doctors will determine if he needs stent(s) or bypass surgery.
Cil is also doing well and said “the waiting is the worst”…. I’m sure most of us can relate to that. She sends their thanks to Dogwood for all the prayers and good thoughts! And a special thanks to the Hills and Thorpes. Donna & Rob and Marsha & Kenny were there and able to provide some much needed and appreciated support.
Cil will keep us updated. Please keep your prayers and good thoughts coming.
Here is their mailing address (please note – the Dogwood Directory has an incorrect zip code and will have that corrected shortly):
Fairleigh and Cil Schoolar
Southern Leisure RV Resort
505 NW 21st Ave, Lot #290
Chiefland, FL 32626
Dave Meyer, VP Communications
(Posted 5/31/2022)
Hello Friends,
Sending our Prayers and Good Thoughts to Fairleigh and Cil Schoolar. Our thanks to Jim and Susan Buelow for passing along the information on Sunday, 5/29.
Farleigh went into the Gainesville, FL VA Hospital on Friday, 5/27, for a scheduled appointment to have a pacemaker installed. He went home Saturday and that evening he had chest pains. An ambulance took him back to Gainesville VA Hospital. The doctors found a heart issue, not related to the pacemaker, and scheduled him to have stent(s) put in today, 5/31. He hopes to get out later in the week if all goes well.
He and Cil are staying at Southern Leisure RV Resort in Chiefland, FL, along with the Hills and Thorpes. The Schoolar's address is:
Fairleigh and Cil Schoolar
Southern Leisure RV Resort
Site # 290
Chiefland, FL 32626
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