FMCA Dogwood chapter's 25th anniversary was celebrated at Americamps RV Resort in Ashland, VA, September 17-19, 2021, a few months after the actual June anniversary date.
The following members were in attendance: Hosts, Tilmans, Alexanders, Kuikens, Monaghans, joined by new member Mary Lou Dudziak. Also, Sohles, Mike Vreeland, Schoolars, Meyers, Greenwoods, Buelows, Ed Herbert, Cummings, Allens, Fishers, Hunters, Seamsters, Mimms, and Hills.
Special invited guests attending were Steve and Judy Czarsty, Carol Warthan, Amelia Winn, Mann and Carolyn Duff, and Roy and Cara Brinkley.
Early birds to the rally on Thursday, Sept. 16 enjoyed a social time in the refuge of the fitness center as the area was hit by a deluge.
The anniversary celebration took place on Friday evening, Sept. 17, starting with a 4 pm social hour. Room decorations were spearheaded by Karen Alexander. Members and guests alike were happy to see each other. Patty Kuiken offered a heartfelt blessing.
A pulled pork (thanks Ed Tilman for smoking the Boston butts) and brats (thanks Roger Monaghan for grilling the brats) dinner was prepared by the hosts and served with excellent barbecue sauce made by Susan Buelow. After group pictures and distribution of commemorative pins, Dogwood president Ed Herbert welcomed everyone. Steve Czarsty, past Eastern Area Vice President, entertained with the story of the chapter's formation. Past presidents were recognized including the following who were in attendance: Wilt Greenwood, Carol Warthan, Paul Cummings, Jim Buelow, Ed Fisher, and Mann Duff. Rob Hill, Central area Vice President, presented the chapter with its 25th Anniversary Certificate and $100 check from FMCA. Rally host Connie Tilman led a chapter reminiscing session and involved everyone attending. Then came the biggest highlight of the celebration--the first showing of the 25th Anniversary Video created and orchestrated by Paul Cummings and Jim Buelow. The evening ended with cupcakes, ice cream, many warm memories, a wonderful sense of group comradery, and lots of help from the committee and their husbands getting everything cleaned up!
Saturday morning found everyone preparing delicious contributions for our 10 am covered dish brunch. The meal was followed by a chapter business meeting led by President Ed Herbert.
A bonus lunch was offered just before the start of the 2 pm cornhole tournament lead by Andrea Monaghan. Spectators and participants enjoyed the games. Clarence Seamster and Roger Monaghan were the winners.
At 5 pm, social hour officially started, followed by a hamburger cookout (thanks Ed Tilman and Berkley Alexander) with the fixings prepared by the rest of the committee. Pumpkin pie was dessert. Patty Kuiken and Andrea Monaghan awarded door prizes they had collected and that had been donated by chapter members. Then it was time for the Yankee Swap game! Carol Warthan had come to visit for a second day just to participate and a big smile could be seen on Anke Fisher's face. The gifts went round and round and everyone left with something nice, maybe even the nice something they had brought.
Sunday morning, under a canopy provided by Ed Herbert, the hosts set up a farewell continental breakfast. Also available were leftover BBQ goodie bags for anybody who wanted one.
Extra special thanks go to the committee, Karen, Patty, Andrea, Mary Lou and our husbands, Ed, Berkley, Henry, and Roger for all the help planning, prepping, and carrying out the rally. Utmost appreciation goes to every member of Dogwood Chapter present, and guests too, because it was the sum of everyone's efforts that made the rally a memorable celebration of our 25 years of fun, food, and fellowship together.
Connie Tilman
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