Family Motor Coach Association
Dogwood Chapter ZOOM Business Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2020, 10:30 A.M.
Zoom Meeting December 12, |
Members present: Berkley and Karen Alexander, Buck and Linda Buchanan (via speaker phone), Jim and Susan Buelow, Gary and Carol Chadwick, Paul Cummings, Robert and Nancy Greene, Ed and Jean Herbert, Donna Hill, Butch Jones, Henry and Patty Kuiken, Dave and Nanette Meyer, Andrea Monaghan, Rob and Dale Robison, Steve and Sue Sohles, James Spain, and Connie Tilman (via speaker phone).
1. Call to Order: Having a quorum established, President, Jim Buelow (“Jim”) called the meeting to order at 10:45 a.m. with a welcome and thanks for attending.
2. COVID Update:
A. Jim told the group that we will continue to follow FMCA, CDC, and local requirements and guidelines to ensure we are doing all we can to remain safe.
B. FMCA has developed and distributed a new Liability Waiver form for use at all official FMCA functions. This form is mandatory. The new form allows members to sign one time, for all of 2020/2021. Forms are available on the Dogwood blog site and at all official Dogwood functions. The Dogwood Secretary will keep copies and mail originals to the FMCA Chapter Services Dept.
3. Treasurers Report: Jim Buelow reporting; Treasurer, Pat Allen (“Pat”) not present.
A. Jim reported that the current balance in Dogwood treasury is approximately $3,100. After collecting member dues for 2021, the balance should be approximately $3,500.
B. Jim reminded members to send 2021 dues ($15 per coach) to Pat. Paul Cummings will include contact information for Pat in the next Dogwood newsletter.
C. A few members are arrears in paying their dues. Pat will be contacting them.
4. Treasurers Audit Results: Berkley Alexander reported that the Treasurers Audit Committee (Berkley Alexander, Susan Buelow, and Nanette Meyer) conducted an audit of Dogwood’s treasury on December 6, 2020. The books look complete and well kept.
5. FMCA Membership Reconciliation:
A. Jean Herbert, Dogwood Secretary, met with Pat Allen, Dave Meyer, Paul Cummings, Jim Buelow, and Ed Herbert to compare the FMCA Dogwood roster with our Dogwood list of members. Some members were deleted, some new members were added, and Pat Allen is going to follow-up on members we have not heard from lately. The updated audit report must be sent to FMCA before the end of the year.
B. Dogwood’s current membership number is approximately 51.
6. Meeting Minutes: On a motion by Ed Herbert, seconded by Henry Kuiken, minutes from the February 10, 2020 Dogwood Business meeting were unanimously approved.
7. Care Person Report: Jim reported for Susan Buelow.
A. Ruby Mallory, mother of Bill Mallory, died on November 29, 2020. She was 100 years old. Dogwood sent a sympathy card and condolence email.
B. Jim Hunter is undergoing a series of 40 hyperbaric treatments on his bladder for damage from previous radiation treatments.
C. Steve Sohles reports that he is back to where he should be and doing well.
D. Dale Robison says she is 6 months post full knee replacement and doing great.
E. Paul Cummings reports that his daughter, Amy, will be relocating back to Virginia in the spring. His wife, Nancy, has been in Wyoming helping Amy. Nancy will be returning to us in the spring also.
F. Dave Meyer is still recovering from cancer treatments but is doing very well.
8. FMCA Assist: Jim reported that the new FMCA Assist insurance provider is Chubb Travel Assistance Program. With Chubb, the mileage changed from 100 miles to 75 miles away from home. For full schedule of benefits, visit The contact info, for Chubb Travel Assistance Program, is 877-352-0785 (USA) or 877-350-3532 (Canada). Jim reminded members to change their Travel Assist contact information to the new company.
9. Donations in memory of deceased Dogwood members: Patty Kuiken, incoming Care Person, suggested we look at current policy of donating $25, to a charity of the family’s choice, in memory of a deceased member. Patty’s concern is that $25 is a small donation.
A. After discussion, and on a motion by Sue Sohles, seconded by Carol Chadwick, the members approved increasing the donation to $50, to a charity of the family’s choice, in memory of a deceased member. There was one dissenting vote.
B. After discussion, and on a motion by Rob Robison, seconded by Steve Sohles, the members unanimously approved changing the Standing Rules of Order to show an increase in the donation amount in memory of a deceased Dogwood member.
10. Dogwood Garden Flag: Andrea Monaghan requested we adopt a Dogwood Garden flag, much like the mirror covers, to display at rallies. Nanette Meyer made a sample flag to show the group. The garden flag will cost $20.
A. After discussion, and on a motion by Jean Herbert, seconded by Andrea Monaghan, the members unanimously approved adopting an official Dogwood garden flag and changing the Standing Rules of Order to indicate same.
B. Information on how to order a garden flag and mirror covers will be posted on
Dogwood’s blog site.
11. Dogwood Shirts: Dogwood tee shirts and sweatshirts are provided by John Martin, Jim Buelow’s son-in-law. Jim has agreed to continue as the POC for ordering shirts. The shirt order form is on the Dogwood blog site. Members wishing to order tee shirts or sweatshirts should print and complete the order form and send it, along with a check, to Jim. Instructions are on form.
12. Rally Master Report: Jim Buelow reporting; Rally Master, Reid Saul, not present.
A. Summary of 2020 rallies: The international COVID crisis caused some of the 2020 Dogwood (as well as FMCA) rallies to be cancelled. We did manage to get rallies in at The Great Outdoors in Titusville FL in February, a summer meal gathering at the VFW in Mechanicsville VA, a Labor Day week rally in Booth Bay, Maine, and the Urbanna VA rally in November. A mini 2021 Rally Planning meeting was conducted, by ZOOM and in-person attendance, at Americamps on Dec 6, 2020. Attendees included Pat Allen, the Alexanders, Buelows, Herberts, Meyers, Kuikens, Paul Cummings, Reid Saul, and Connie Tilman.
B. Jim sends thanks to all the 2020 hosts – even if their rally had to be cancelled. Host pins will be distributed at a later date.
C. Tentative 2021 rally plans/schedule is as follows.
March 10-13 - FMCA Rally, Perry, GA
May 18-21 - Dogwood at Devils Backbone; hosts Hills, Greenes, and Thorpes.
June – Natural Bridge/Safari, tentative; hosts Herberts
July 7-10 - FMCA Rally, Gillette, WY
August - Combined Dogwood/Penn Coachman rally, tentative; hosts TBD
August 30-Sep 8 – Maine Rally; hosts Bonewitzes
September 17-19 – Dogwood 25th Anniversary at Americamps; hosts Tilmans,
Alexanders, Kuikens, and Monaghans
September 30-October 2 – GEAR, Lewisburg, WV hosts Tilmans, Buelows, and
November 4-7 – Urbanna Oyster Festival; hosts Alexanders
December 2-5 - Dogwood Christmas Rally at Americamps; hosts Kuikens,
Meyers, and Herberts
D. Dogwood 25th Anniversary Rally, tentative plans. Connie Tilman (“Connie”) reported.
(1) Date – September 17-19, 2021, planning committee members to arrive on the 16th.
(2) Location – Americamps in Ashland VA
(3) Hosts – Tilmans, Alexanders, Kuikens, and Monaghans
(4) Dogwood Treasury contribution: After discussion, and on a motion by Connie
Tilman, seconded by Jim Spain, the members unanimously approved furnishing up
to $2,000 from the Dogwood Treasury, as a line item, to help with the 25th
Anniversary expenses. There will also be a rally fee, TBD.
(5) Connie asked for volunteers to solicit raffle prizes/goody bag items for the rally.
Patty Kuiken and Andrea Monaghan volunteered to take on that responsibility.
(6) There will be a Dogwood 25th Anniversary reception, at GEAR, to include
FMCA and EAMA folks. Hosts - Tilmans and Buelows
E. Future Rally Facility Fees: Jim reported that a lot of campgrounds are now charging
for the use of rally facilities, many with additional charges for using ovens,
refrigerators, etc.
(1) Discussion included having facility fees incorporated into rally fees with host responsible for facility deposit, which would be reimbursed via the Rally Expense form; or have Dogwood Treasury pay for rally facility costs as a miscellaneous expense, either by an advance from treasury or separate payment to host when rally expenses are submitted.
(2) Andrea Monaghan volunteered to review and compare Dogwood’s Standing Rules of Order with Dogwood’s Rally Host Handbook and make recommendations for both regarding rally facility fees and perhaps other topics that may need to be addressed.
(3) Jim Buelow put deposit of $150 on his credit card to reserve rally room for 3 nights each for the 25th Anniversary and Christmas rallies in 2021. Still working out exact cost of room as Americamps has just informed us that it has different costs for different levels of rally room usage. Will try to resolve at $25 per night.
13. Americamps Relationship/Concerns: Reporting by Jim Buelow
A. During the past year or so issues have come up between Dogwood members and the Management and staff at Americamps resulting in dissatisfaction on both sides.
B. Those include alleged rudeness on both sides, failure to honor commitments, unanswered phone calls, confusion resulting from too many people contacting Americamps concerning rallies, and major miscommunication between and among Dogwood and Americamps personnel.
C. Long discussion between Jim Buelow and Jim Kirby (Americamps Manager). Resolved issues, and established guidelines. We agreed that there will be one point of contact (POC) for Dogwood, and one POC at Americamps to discuss/book rallies. That will be Jim Buelow from Dogwood until December31, 2020. Beginning January 1, 2021, The Dogwood POC will be Ed Herbert. The Americamps POC will be Jim Kirby. This does not include making or cancelling personal campground site reservations when attending Dogwood functions.
D. Bottom line is that we are welcome customers at Americamps and have 2 rallies planned for 2021. Future plans are at the discretion of members.
14. Election Results for new Executive Board and Committee Members beginning the first of January 2021: Jim Buelow reporting: Welcome and thank you for stepping up. Great team.
President: Ed Herbert
VP of Membership: Pat Allen
VP of Communications: David Meyer
VP of Rallies: Henry Kuiken
Secretary: Jean Herbert
Treasurer: Pat Allen
National Director: Ed Fisher
Alt. National Director: Rich Bonewitz
Nominating Committee:
Jim Buelow, Chairman
Rich Bonewitz, Member
Buck Buchanan, Member
Safety Chairman: Butch Jones
Care Person: Patty Kuiken
15. Transition Planning: Jim Buelow reporting
A. Transition planning has been taking place over the past few months culminating in a combined ZOOM and in person gathering at Americamps on December 5.
B. We had a very productive and successful transition meeting among the old and new Executive Board Members.
16. Outgoing Officers Appreciation: Jim Buelow and Paul Cummings reporting.
A. Jim expressed a big THANK YOU to the Executive Board, Committee Members, and the Dogwood membership for their service and outstanding support during the past 4 years. Jim said he is leaving with mixed emotions. It has been a good ride, but it’s time for a break. He leaves feeling good about our chapter and its accomplishments, and is confident our new leadership will take Dogwood to the next level.
B. Goals accomplished include: document and forms updates, Dogwood shirts for the chapter, new mirror cover sources, steady membership numbers, increases in participation at FMCA/Area rallies, participation in FMCA/Area Chapters Fairs (with awards), and increased new member involvement. Jim also stated that these accomplishments are not his, but ours, as a chapter.
C. Paul Cumming’s, outgoing VP of Comm., thanked all members for their support with a special thanks to Jim.
17. Incoming Officer comments
A. President, Ed Herbert (“Ed”), shared some of his goals and thoughts for the future. Thanks to Jim Buelow and Paul Cummings for being willing to continue to offer support when needed. Ed wants to update the Dogwood flyer so Dogwooders will have a pamphlet with current information to offer prospective new members. He hopes that we will continue to find interesting places for Dogwood Rallies and continue to recruit new members.
B. VP of Communications, Dave Meyer, wants to continue to maintain and update the blog site and member roster. He wants to get member Birthday months on the roster. The newsletter will be published on the 4th Friday of even months. Newsletter articles and submissions will be due by the 2nd Friday of even months. The newsletter will contain a President’s Report, Secretary’s Report (for meeting minutes review), Rally Master report, and submissions from members regarding travels, adventures, interesting pictures, changes, woes, renovations, etc. Newsletter submissions should be sent to
C. VP of Rallies, Henry Kuiken, reported that 2021 looks to be another challenging year, due to the COVID crisis. We have an excellent start on rally planning for 2021. If anyone wishes to fill in a gap by hosting an additional rally, please contact Henry. Patty Kuiken will be helping him with rally planning.
D. Care Person, Patty Kuiken, said that she would appreciate input from Dogwooders regarding members who may need a card from the Chapter to let them know we are thinking of them, particularly about illnesses and deaths in the Dogwood family.
E. Buck Buchanan told us that he is now working for Yankee RV Tours and encouraged us to check it out. Buck and Linda have sold their home and are going to be full timers.
18. EAMA UPDATE: Rob Hill could not attend the meeting, so no report.
19. The last newsletter of 2020 will be published prior to Christmas. Please send your submissions to Paul Cummings at by December 18, 2020.
20. Closing by President: Jim wished everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
21. On a motion by Connie Tilman, seconded by Andrea Monaghan, the members unanimously approved closing the meeting.
22. The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Herbert, Secretary
FMCA Dogwood Chapter
There are two more articles to read, Click, "Older Post"
"25th Anniversary Update", by Connie Tilman
"Is Your New or New to You Motorhome Really Safe as You Think?" by, Butch Jones
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