Family Motor Coach Association
Dogw0ood Chapter Business Meeting
The Great Outdoors RV-Nature and Golf Resort, Titusville Florida
President, Jim Buelow ("Jim"), called the meeting to order, at 6:36 p.m., with a welcome to everyone and thanks to rally hosts, Butch and Susie Jones, and Steve and Sue Sohles.
Jim recognized Steve and Sue Sohles as hosts in 2019 and told them that their host badges were being processed.
2020 Rallies:
May - The Hills, Greenes and Thorpes will host a rally at The Devils Backbone Brewery Campground in Nelson County VA.
June or July - A dinner "rally" is a definite possibility.
August/September - The Bonewitzes, Schoolars, and Alexanders will host a rally, from 8/27 through 9/10, in Booth Bay Maine. Folks are welcome to arrive and/leave any time during these dates.
September - The Monaghans will host a rally at Lake Anna.
End of September, beginning of October - GEAR Rally in Lewisburg WV. The Heritage Band, with Donnie Warthan, Jr. is booked to play. Rob Hill reported that there will be a significant improvement in the number of vendors in 2020. Jim will check on the need for volunteers. Perhaps the Dogwood Chapter can volunteer as a group. There will also be a Dogwood Chapter Fair.
November - The Alexanders will host the Urbana Oyster Festival Rally the first full weekend of the month.
December 4, 5, and 6 - Christmas Rally hosted by the Kuikens, Meyers, and Herberts at the Americamps Campground in Ashland VA.
eNews : The next Dogwood eNews will be published the beginning of March. Please send article information to Paul Cummings via email.
Rob Hill reported that the Eastern Area Motor Coach Association is in need of a new Vice President.
The Hills, Thorpes, and Greenes are planning to attend the FMCA International Rally in Tucson AZ in March.
Elections for 2021/2022: Jim reminded members that officer elections will be held, probably at the Christmas Rally, and that the nominating committee members may be calling on folks asking if they would be willing to serve. Officer positions are as follows:
President: Vacant
Sr. Vice President and Treasurer: Pat Allen has expressed interest in remaining in this position.
February 10, 2020 FMCA Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting Page 1 of 2
Vice Present of Communications: Vacant. Paul Cummings will work with his replacement.
Vice President of Rallies: No information about whether or not current VP would like to remain in this position.
Secretary: Jean Herbert has expressed interest in remaining in this position.
National Director: Ed Fisher has expressed interest in remaining in this position.
Alternate National Director: Rich Bonewitz has expressed interest in remaining in this position.
Nominating Committee Chairman: Buck Buchanan has expressed interest in remaining in this position.
Safety (nonelected position): Butch Jones has expressed interest in remaining in this position.
Careperson (nonelected position): Vacant
Dogwood side view mirror covers are still available. Two ladies, Peggy Groves and Nanette Meyers, are making them.
Careperson Report: Jim Buelow reported for Susan Buelow.
Paul and Nancy Cummings' daughter, Amy, continues to improve. Currently, Paul is at home in Virginia and Nancy is in Wyoming with Amy.
Carol Warthan is taking things day by day after the death of her husband, Donnie. She is currently building a house just east of Urbana to be closer to family. Their motor coach and motorcycle are for sale.
Secretary's report: Jean Herbert reported that the Dogwood Chapter membership and officer rosters were submitted to FMCA, as required, before the end of the year, 2019. She received confirmation, from FMCA, that the Dogwood Chapter has been approved for 2020.
Treasurer's report: Pat Allen reported that there is $3,054.15 in the Dogwood Chapter Treasury.
On a motion by Fairleigh Schoolar, seconded by Steve Hall, and by unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Herbert
Secretary, FMCA Dogwood Chapter
February 10, 2020 FMCA Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting