Family Motor Coach Association
Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting
Americamps RV Resort, Ashland VA
December 7, 2019
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Jean Herbert, Secretary |
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, President, Jim Buelow (“Jim”), called the FMCA Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting to order at 10:12 a.m.
Jim welcomed everyone and thanked the rally hosts: Reid & Jenny Saul, Robi and Dale Robison, Henry and Patty Kuiken, and Jim and Susan Buelow. The group sang “Happy Birthday” to Patty Kuiken.
Jim welcomed rally attendees Roger and Andrea Monaghan and Robi and Dale Robison as new members to the Dogwood Chapter.
Membership/Treasurer’s report: Pat Allen reported a treasury balance of $2,501.89. She requested that everyone pay their 2020 dues of $15 today. An FMCA membership reconciliation meeting was held on Friday, December 6, 2019. The Dogwood Chapter now has the owners of 55 coaches registered as active members.
Minutes: On a motion by Rob Hill, seconded by Wilt Greenwood, Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting minutes from 12/1/18 and 12/2/18 were approved.
Jim reported that the new Dogwood Chapter Bylaws are finished and have been approved by FMCA. Paul Cummings and Jim are still working on Dogwood’s blogsite.
Dogwood officer elections are scheduled for December 2020. Pat Allen, Treasurer and VP of Membership; Reid Saul, VP of Rallies; and Jean Herbert, Secretary, expressed interest in running for reelection. President, Jim Buelow; and VP of Communications, Paul Cummings, are choosing not to run for reelection.
Badges R Us is Dogwood’s new vendor for name and host badges. Jean Herbert suggested that officers have a badge indicating their current office. Jim appointed a Committee to look into badge options. The committee members are Paul Cummings, Patty and Henry Kuiken, Jim Hunter, and Ed and Jean Herbert.
Please see Jim for Dogwood T-shirt and sweatshirt order forms. If anyone wants a different type of shirt (ex: polo) he/she needs to purchase it and send it to our supplier for printing.
Handmade Dogwood side view mirror covers are now available from two sources: Peggy Groves sells them for $25 each and Nanette Meyer sells them for $15 each or two for $25.
Dogwood’s 25th Anniversary will be in June, 2021. Jim appointed a planning committee to recommend a date and site for our celebration. The site should be no more than 100 miles away from Richmond VA. Committee members are: Andrea Monaghan, Patty Kuiken, Connie Tilman, and Karen Alexander.
VP of Communications, Paul Cummings covered Dogwood newsletter and blogsite information in his presentation on December 6.
Careperson Report: Jim Buelow, reported for Susan Buelow. Paul and Nancy Cummings’ daughter, Amy, is doing much better. Roland and Brenda Joyner lost a son in December 2018. Bob Chuilli passed away in December 2018. Edward Cockrell passed away in the spring of 2019. Donald Warthan passed away in the fall of 2019. Susan sent cards to all of the families listed above on behalf of the Dogwood members.
Rally Master Report: Reid Saul, VP of Rallies, reviewed a Rally schedule for 2020 and asked for rally suggestions and hosts. The following schedule was created:
February 2020: Hosts - Stephen and Susan Sohles and Butch and Susie Jones
TGO Campground, Titusville FL
March 2020: FMCA International Rally in Tucson, Arizona
May 2020: Hosts - Rob and Donna Hill, Kenny and Marsha Thorpe, Robert and Nancy Greene, Devil’s Backbone Campground, Nelson County VA
July 2020: FMCA International Rally in Lincoln, Nebraska
September 1 - 8, 2020: Hosts - Richard and Elle Bonewitz, Berkley and Karen Alexander
Lobster Rally at Shore Hills Campground in Boothbay, Maine
September 8 - 10, 2020: Hosts - Roger and Andrea Monaghan at Lake Anna VA
September 30 - October 4, 2020: GEAR Rally in Lewisburg, West Virginia
November 5 - 8, 2020: Hosts - Berkley and Karen Alexander
Urbanna Oyster Festival in Urbanna, Virginia
December 4 - 6, 2020: Hosts – Patty and Henry Kuiken, Dave and Nanette Meyer, and
Ed and Jean Herbert Christmas Rally at Americamps RV Resort in Ashland, Virginia
Reid Saul thanked all the 2019 rally hosts and recognized them with host badges.
Rob Hill presented an update on the 2020 GEAR Rally. Rob is the Vice President for the Eastern Area Motorhome Association (“EAMA”) and Berkley Alexander is the Treasurer for EAMA.
In closing, Jim said that Dogwood has had a good year and the treasury is in good shape. He thanked all Dogwood members who participated in activities.
On a motion by Dale Robison, seconded by Kenny Thorpe, and by unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Herbert
Dogwood Secretary
Family Motor Coach Association
Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting
Americamps RV Resort, Ashland VA
December 8, 2019
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, President, Jim Buelow (“Jim”), called the FMCA Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
After discussion and on a motion by Paul Cummings, seconded by Connie Tilman, the Dogwood Chapter members voted to buy the sample side view mirror covers, from Peggy Groves, in order to have them on hand for purchase by the members.
We have been informed that another motorcoach group will be having a rally at Americamps RV Resort the same weekend as Dogwood’s 2020 Christmas Rally. The other group has reserved the rally room for Saturday, December 5, 2020 from noon until 9:00 p.m. but Dogwood has it reserved on Friday, Saturday a.m., and Sunday a.m.
James, manager at Americamps, talked about our options:
- There are local restaurants, with event rooms, that we could possibly use for our party on Saturday night. Mario’s, Bass Pro Shops, and Anna’s in Mechanicsville were suggested.
- Americamps is going to build a new, 2nd rally room and hopes to have it finished by December 2020. If that happens on time, Dogwood will get the new room for all of our activities.
It was decided to leave our reservation as is and see how things progress at Americamps.
On a motion by Susan Buelow, seconded by Henry Kuiken, the Dogwood members voted to reserve the new rally room for Christmas 2021 as soon as Americamps opens it up for reservations.
On a motion by Wilt Greenwood, seconded by Pat Allen, and by unanimous consent, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jean Herbert
Dogwood Secretary