Friday, August 2, 2019

President's Message August 2019

Presidents Message, Aug, 2019    by Jim Buelow

Jim adding 303 Roof treatment
Hello Dogwood family, hope all is well with all of you and that you are enjoying your summer and doing a lot of traveling. 
Susan and I are doing OK, just very busy. Supposed to leave for the beach July 29, but having some coach issues which will delay us but hopefully not totally spoil out trip.
Now for a little Dogwood business. Lots of info in this newsletter, so please take the time to read and enjoy the articles. 
Rallies, past and future will be covered under Reid’s section, but I just wanted to say a few words about them. Susan and I attended both the Bluegrass rally in May and the VFW gathering in July. Thanks to the Herbert’s for hosting the May rally, and to Buck Buchanan for suggesting and setting up the VFW gathering. A good time was had by all. In addition, Butch Jones and friend Suzi stopped in Richmond for a short time to visit family and friends in May. Several members gathered for a luncheon and we really enjoyed visiting with Butch and Suzi. They continue on a long trip to Michigan and the Northeast to visit family and friends before heading home to FL.
Future rallies include the Maine rally, back to back rallies in October, the Urbanna Oyster Festival in November, and our Christmas rally in December. Please put them on your list and join your Dogwood friends for “Fun, Food and Friendship”.  Note that Reid is in need of rally hosts to assist with the Christmas Rally. Please step up and support our chapter.
The FMCA International Rally will be held in Minot, ND August 14-17. This is an important rally as new National officers will be elected and several important issues will be voted on to include by-law changes. Candidates for National office have been published in the latest FMCA magazine. Our National Director, Ed Fisher will be attending the rally and casting votes for Dogwood. If you have preferences on new officers or other thoughts/suggestions on issues being discussed, please contact Ed at 804 370-4066.   
As we pass the half way point of 2019, I am of the opinion, and I hope our members are to, that our chapter is doing well. Our membership is solid and growing, and members new and old, are stepping up to support our activities and rallies. That’s what makes our chapter successful. Thanks for all you do, and we look forward to seeing you at a rally in the near future.
Regards and SAFE travels,

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