Secretary's Report 2019
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Jean Herbert |
Dogwood Business Meeting
December 1, 2018
Jim Buelow:
• Called the meeting to order at 10 a.m.
Thanked Rally hosts: Herbert's, Kuiken's and Thorpe's for a great job
Welcomed new Members the Chadwick's, Joyner's, Meyer's and a guest,
Jean also welcomed the Warthans. It was good to have them join us again.Jim also thanked outgoing officers; Donna Hill, Rally Master Pam Philips, Secretary. Award pins will go to the officers that served. We lost 5-6 members and have a current membership of 47. $2336.49 in treasure. Paul will be transitioning out in the next 2 -3 years. of for the National Meeting
and really needs our prayers and support. Butch is recuperating and doing well. Pam had surgery and is doing OK. Reid is recovering from surgery.
Nominating Committee introduced for nominees to serve 2019 -2020
President: Jim Buelow
V. P. Membership: Pat Allen
V. P. Treasurer: Pat Allen
V. P. Communications: Paul Cummings
V.P. Rally's: Reid Saul
Secretary: Patty Kuiken
National Director: Ed Fisher
Alternate Director: Rich Bonewitz
Appointed Positions: Safety Chairman- Butch Jones & Care Person-
A motion was made and passed unanimously for incoming board. Jim thanked
Membership: Pat Allen asked that all pay their dues today as she will be traveling.
VP. Communications: Paul Cummings discussed Newsletter and Directory issues.
National Director: Ed Fisher asked that if there are any issues to make him aware
Care Person: Susan Buelow reported that the Chair is going through a hard time
Buelow: our 25m anniversary with Dogwood will be in be in two years and we need
think of how we would like to celebrate. Discussion ensued and Walt
Greenwood suggested Dogwood $ be taken out of Treasury for celebration .
think of how we would like to celebrate. Discussion ensued and Walt
Greenwood suggested Dogwood $ be taken out of Treasury for celebration .
Buelow: suggested a 50/50 raffle as a fundraiser at every rally, passed.
Ed Fisher: Made a motion to increase dues to $15 a year beginning 2020, it was
second by Rich Bonewitz and passed unamiously. Jim Buelow suggested free
lifetime membership to charter members; Tilmans, Warthams and Chuilli.
Discussion ensued; Wilt Greenwood made a motion and Paul Cummings 2no,
Motion passed unanimously
second by Rich Bonewitz and passed unamiously. Jim Buelow suggested free
lifetime membership to charter members; Tilmans, Warthams and Chuilli.
Discussion ensued; Wilt Greenwood made a motion and Paul Cummings 2no,
Motion passed unanimously
Dogwood was featured in the December FMCA magazine with a group picture.
Eastern Area Regional V.P.: Rob Hill was elected Eastern V.P. There will not be a
GEAR Rally for 2019 but we are hosting the Perry Rally. Members Agreed those
Eastern Area Regional V.P.: Rob Hill was elected Eastern V.P. There will not be a
GEAR Rally for 2019 but we are hosting the Perry Rally. Members Agreed those
going to Perry would volunteer as Seminar Monitors, also agreed to getting 30
amps. They need 700 volunteers for the Rally. Dogwood received 3ra place at GEAR Rally for the Chapter Fair.
ByLaws: Are in the process of being updated and changes will be in near future.
New Rigs: Herbert's, Bonewitz, Meyer's, Sholar's, Thorpe's, Green's (new engine),
and Warthen's.
New Rigs: Herbert's, Bonewitz, Meyer's, Sholar's, Thorpe's, Green's (new engine),
and Warthen's.
Rally Master: Donna Hill thanked Jim and Susan Buelow for all of their help and
suoport. She also thanked last year's rally hosts. Discussion ensued for next years
rally schedule: Butch Jones is planning a rally in Feb., Florida; March will be the
FMCA Rally in Perry GA; Jim Buelow mentioned a possible Cherry Town D.C. in
April. Jean Herbert and Patty Kuiken will host a Blue Grass Rally in May; July 25-
possible rally in Syracruze N.Y.; Bonowitz will host the Lobster Rally in August,
Maine. 1st Weekend in November Oysterfest Alexanders. Decision was made not
to have a rally the American Campground again. Possible October Rally's Railroad;
Joint Penn Coachman; Ville- Harpers Ferry, and Shenandoah Crossing Gordonsville, VA.
suoport. She also thanked last year's rally hosts. Discussion ensued for next years
rally schedule: Butch Jones is planning a rally in Feb., Florida; March will be the
FMCA Rally in Perry GA; Jim Buelow mentioned a possible Cherry Town D.C. in
April. Jean Herbert and Patty Kuiken will host a Blue Grass Rally in May; July 25-
possible rally in Syracruze N.Y.; Bonowitz will host the Lobster Rally in August,
Maine. 1st Weekend in November Oysterfest Alexanders. Decision was made not
to have a rally the American Campground again. Possible October Rally's Railroad;
Joint Penn Coachman; Ville- Harpers Ferry, and Shenandoah Crossing Gordonsville, VA.
Meeting Concluded.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted, Patty Kuiken, Acting Secretary
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, President, Jim Buelow (“Jim”), called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. Jim requested a vote for Nominating Committee members to serve for the next two years. Proposed members were: Buck Buchanan, Chairman; Rich Bonewitz, member; and Henry Kuiken, member. By unanimous vote, the Dogwood Chapter members approved the proposed Nominating Committee members for the 2019- 2020 term. Jim explained that a new secretary needed to be elected. On a motion by Henry Kuiken, seconded by Rich Bonewitz, the Dogwood Chapter members unanimously approved Jean Herbert as secretary for the 2019-2020 term. Jim reminded the group that all rally hosting costs come out of the rally registration fees. Rally hosts are not personally responsible for covering the cost of food, prizes, etc. Susan Buelow asked all members see her about signing a card for the Chuillis. Pat Allen reminded everyone that their annual chapter dues need to be paid by December 31, 2018.
The meeting was closed at 9:12 a.m.
Family Motor Coach Association Dogwood Chapter Business Meeting
American Heritage Campground, Williamsburg VA
December 2, 2018 Minutes
The meeting was closed at 9:12 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Herbert Acting Secretary
Jean Herbert Acting Secretary