Monday, January 21, 2019

Care Person Report 2019

Care Person Report

I just wanted to provide you with an update on two of our families who are grieving.

As you know, Bob Chuilli passed away on November 30, 2018. On December 5, a Good-Bye to Bob was held in his memory. The Alexander’s, Buelow’, Cumming’s, Greenwood’s and Tilman’s attended Bob’s final farewell, and Carol and family were very appreciative that their Dogwood friends were there. Jim spoke with Carol on January 9th. She continues her rehab for double knee replacement and hopes to be driving by the end of the month. She is slowly settling family affairs which she said has been difficult. She is taking things one day at a time and doing the best she can. A card was sent to the Chuilli family and a donation will be provided to a charity of the families choice.

As you also may know,Dillon Joyner, youngest son of recently new members Roland and Brenda Joyner died unexpectedly on December 31, 2018. Jim spoke with Roland on January 1st to offer our condolences.A card along with a donation to the families charity of choice was sent to the Joyner family.

Please keep the Chuilli’s and Joyners in your thoughts and prayers, and reach out to them if you wish.

And please let me know if someone in our family is sick, suffering, or in need.

Thank you,


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