Monday, October 22, 2018

Secretary Minutes

SECRETARY’S REPORT          10.18                    by PAM PHILLIPS

Dogwood Minutes                                                                                                                 September 02, 2018
President, Jim Buelow called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. at Shore Hills Campground in Boothbay, Maine.
Jim thanked Richard and Elle Bonewitz, Berkley and Karen Alexander, and Fairleigh and Cil Schoolar for hosting rally. 
Guests Dick and Nancy Wolfe and Bill and Peggy Groves were welcomed.
Old Business:  
Jim announced the outcome of vote allowing non-motorized RVs into Dogwood.  Vote was 18 yes and 10 no. Dogwood by-laws will be changed to reflect the new policy.
Election of officers will be held at the December meeting. 
The slate of officers for 2019-20 is as follows:
President Jim Buelow 
VP of Membership Pat Allen
VP of Rallies Reed Saul
VP of Communication Paul Cummings
Secretary Patty Kuiken
Treasurer Pat Allen
Non-voted positions:  
Safety Chairman Butch Jones
Care Person Susan Buelow
Two positions on Nominating Committee still need to be filled.
New Members    
Dave and Nanette Meyer
Jim and Bonnie Spain
Roland and Brenda Joiner
Scheduled rallies:
GEAR in York, PA, October 3-7, 2018
Oyster Festival, Urbanna ,VA , November 1 -4 2018
Christmas Rally, November 30-December 2 at American Heritage in Williamsburg ,VA.

Care report: 
Carol Chuilli had double knee surgery
Paul and Nancy Cummings daughter has had several hospitalizations with heart problems.
Millie Cohen had double knee surgery. Jerry Cohen is retiring position of Regional FMCA VP.
Dogwood  T shirts. 
 Anyone interested in ordering a T shirt or sweatshirt, see Jim Buelow.
Anyone interested in attending rally at Shore Hills Campground 8/25/19 – 9/5/19 , make reservations early.   They fill up quickly in August.
There was a motion regarding freezing dues for Charter Dogwood members. The discussion was tabled  for the December meeting when there is a quorum.
Pat Allen reported that there is approximately $2300.00 in treasury.
Jim opened discussion and asked question as to whether club wants to use some of the Dogwood Treasury funds for our 25th Anniversary. We will have further discussion at December meeting. Several suggestions were made for next year’s rallies: DC rally, Cass, WV, Myrtle Beach, Maine and Urbanna Oyster Festival. Dogwood Secretary was unable to attend this rally. Karen Alexander graciously accepted to take the meeting minutes.  Motion was made to adjourn at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, 
Karen Alexander,  acting secretary

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