Donna Hill |
Ed Fisher was unable to attend the Gillette rally, and I was asked to sit in for Ed as the Dogwood representative.
On July 18, 2018 the FMCA Governing Board Meeting was held in Gillette, WY. President Jon Walker reported that the state of FMCA is good, membership has had 18 months of positive growth, and 5423 members have signed up for the new Roadside Rescue Program. Treasurer’s/Finance Committee report presented by Treasurer John Reynolds was accepted for file and the 2019 Budget was approved. Chris Smith presented the executive director's report which was accepted for file. Bob Mills presented Constitution and Bylaws. It was approved to allow membership to vote online (this is on page 37 of the FMCA Family RVing, October 2018 magazine). Other changes are mostly administrative and can be viewed on the website. Policy and Procedure Report was presented by Ross Boyer, most changes were replacing 'motor coach' with 'RV' or updating the name of the magazine. Gay Young presented the Education Committee Report which was accepted for file; FMCA University Library was launched in Gillette. There was a lot of discussion concerning locations of National Rallies. The 2019 International Winter Rally will be held in Perry, GA and hosted by the Eastern Area Motor home Association. The 2019 International Summer Rally will be held in Minot, ND. Incoming officers include Don Schleuse (wife, Barbara), Northwest Area National VP and George Schremp (wife, Maxine), International Area National VP.