Secretary's Report, December 2017 Business Meeting
The business meeting for the December Dogwood Rally held at Americamps RV Resort was called to order on 12/02/17 at 10:30 a.m. by President Jim Buelow.
Attendees were: Alexander, Allen, Bonewitz, Buchanan, Buelow, Cockrell, Cohen, Cummings, Fisher, Greene, Greenwood, Herbert, Hill, Hunter, Kuiken, Meyer, Moore, Phillips, Rasmussen, Saul, Schoolar, Thorpe and Tillman’s.
President Buelow thanked the Executive staff for hosting the rally.
Your 2018 dues of $10 are due, please pay them to Pat as soon as possible.
Old Business:
- FMCA Remodel vote passed, 10,000 total votes 7,000 approved to allow all RV types and 3,000 disapproved. It will be up to individual chapters to decide if they want to allow all RV types. Our bylaws will need to be changed if we decide to allow all RV types. The FMCA catalog will list if a chapter allows all RV types.
- New forms, bylaws and Dogwood flyer are now on the Blog site.
- Tee shirt and sweatshirt orders were a success. If you would like to order more contact Jim Buelow. Also, for $6 you can have the logo put on any item of clothing you purchase.
- Mirror covers – Cil Schoolar may have someone to make them for us.
- Name tags – See our Blog for form to order name badges.
- The Dogwoods won 2nd place in the Chapter Fair at the GEAR Rally in Lewisburg, WV
- Next year 2018 will be an election year for us.
New Business:
- We loss two members this year, Don Anderson and Wes Miller. Cards and monetary donations were sent for both.
- Bobby & Barbara Dykes daughter is suffering from cancer. A motion was made by Ed Fisher and seconded by Susan Buelow to make a $50 donation to the Dyke foundation.
Motion passed.
- Paul asked members to review their information (phone #’s, addresses etc.) on the documents he is passing around. Please make necessary changes if needed. Once you have verified your information please initial by your name, so he knows you reviewed it.
Vice President of Rallies: Donna Hill asked members for volunteers to Host Rallies for 2018. See below for the tentative schedule:
- February 20-22nd Host: Sohles & Jones – Florida TGO
- March 15-18th FMCA's International Convention - Perry, GA
- May 15-17th Host: Bonewitz, Schoolar & Alexander - Bourbon Trail
- June 1-2nd Host: Fishers – VIR
- July 18-25th FMCA Rally - Gillette, WY
- August 28th – Sept? Host: Bonewitz & Alexander - Boothbay Harbor, Maine
- Oct. 3-7th GEAR Rally
- Nov. 2-4th Host: Alexander & Fishers - Urbanna Oyster Festival
- Dec. 1-3rd Host: Herbert, Kuiken & Thorpe – American Heritage Williamsburg VA
(Members were torn between having our Christmas Rally at Americamps or American Heritage in Williamsburg. Jim Buelow made the motion that was seconded by Richard Bonewitz that members vote where they wanted to go. First vote was a tie but after a revote the majority voted to have our December Rally at American Heritage in Williamsburg.)
Donna presented Dogwood Host Rally pins to members that hosted rallies in 2017.
Paul Cummings asked members to please stay after the meeting, he wants to go over how to navigate the Dogwood blog, so everyone will be familiar with it.
Meeting adjourned at 11:39 am.
Submitted by Pam Phillips, Secretary