Friday, April 6, 2018

Donna Hill, Rally Report April 2018

Rally Report:

Dogwood started 2018 off rallying well. We had our first Florida rally in February, thanks to the Sohles and Jones. Several of us made it to the FMCA International Convention in Perry, GA which had lots for everyone and super entertainment. (A summary of both are below.)

Now for a list of what's ahead...Let's Rally!
19-25 MAY - KY Bourbon Trail (Bonewitzs, Schoolars, Alexanders), details below.
1-2 JUN - Virginia International Raceway (Fishers), details below.
18-21 JUL - FMCA International Rally in Gillette, WY
28 AUG-5 SEP - Booth Bay, ME (Bonewitzs, Alexanders)
3-7 OCT - GEAR in York, PA
2-4 NOV - Oyster Festival Urbana, VA (Alexanders)
30 NOV- 2 DEC - Christmas Rally at American Heritage Campground in Williamsburg, VA (Herberts, Kuikens, Thorpes)

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