Monday, January 21, 2019

TGO Rally 2019

TGO 2018 Rally


WHEN: Wednesday, January 30, 2019
WHERE:  Butch Jones' home
                 244 Addison Way
                Titusville, The Great Outdoors
TIME:      4:00 PM
HOSTS:  Butch Jones and Susie Bilbey
                                                                   Ed and Connie Tilman

Bring heavy hors d'oeuvres to share and your drinks.  Ed is going to grill burgers.

Several couples (Buelows, Schoolars, Chadwicks) are going to stay at The Great Outdoors.  If you want to join them, call the office directly for reservations at (321) 269-5004. There's water and electric in the rally sites.

Here is the current list of those planning to attend:  Jones plus one, Buelows, Tilmans, Schoolars, Sohles, Chadwicks, Phillip's, Alexander's, Allen's, Gruels, Spains, Halls and Fishers.  If you would also like to attend, call or text Connie at (804) 513-7274.

Butch will leave at the guard house a list of those attending for the day.  The guard will ask for ID and give you a pass.

If you have any questions, call Connie at the number above.

Looking forward to time together in Florida!


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