Monday, October 22, 2018

GEAR Rally

GEAR RALLY HIGHLIGHTS    10.18     by Jim Buelow

The GEAR Rally was held Oct 3-7, 2018 in York, PA. Dogwood attendees included the Alexander, Buelow, Greenwood, Gutttridge, Hill, Kuiken, Meyer, Sohles, Tilman, and Thorpe families. Due to bad weather the week before and the hurricane in the Carolinas, attendance was down, but there were still about 292 coaches attending.
We participated in the Chapter Fair and took 3rd place out of 18 competitors, which won us a $10.00 check, a white ribbon, and a lot of pride. Thanks to all Dogwooders who made this fun and possible. We also signed up 3 new couples during the rally. Their information is included under the New Member section of this newsletter.
We had a Dogwood chapter get together on Saturday evening and had a crowd of around 36 people including new members and invited guests from FMCA and EAMA. As usual, we had delicious and plentiful food and lots of fun. Thanks to Nancy Wolfe and Connie Tilman for the facility to gather in. As usual, our members had several informal get togethers and outings at the rally and in the York area. I think it safe to say that a good time was had by all.    
IMPORTANT NOTE: There will not be a GEAR Rally in October of 2019. The primary reason is that EAMA has been tasked as the Area to provide primary support to the FMCA National Convention at Perry, GA in March of 2019. This effort will require several hundred volunteers from EAMA which we are part of. Please consider attending Perry and volunteering. Sign up info can be found on line or in the FMCA magazine. Come on down.

Bill Mallory, President EAMA

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