Monday, October 22, 2012

President's Message

Greetings Dogwooders,

Fall weather is upon us and the year is rapidly drawing to a close.  Before we can call the year finished, we have two important things that we must take care of.  First, the current 2011 – 2012 term for Dogwood officers is drawing to a close and we must elect new officers.  Dogwood's standing rules suggest that elections should be conducted early enough to allow for an orderly transition from the old slate to the new slate.  Standing rules also suggest that electronic balloting is the preferred Dogwood method for electing new officers.  By handling our elections electronically, we are providing the opportunity for all of our members to participate in the selection of new officers and also avoid some of the issues we’ve had in the past of having a quorum present for fall elections.  Accordingly, you should expect to find a ballot in your email inbox during the coming week.  There will be a deadline for returning your ballot so please watch your email.

For those that missed GEAR, Pennsylvania is beautiful in the fall.  Dogwood was represented by seven members this year.  The consensus is that a good time was had by all.

Our last event of the year is only a little over a month away.  Dogwood's Christmas rally is always a special fun filled event.  All of the information that you’ll need for participation is elsewhere in this issue of eNews.  We would like for this rally to be a huge success so please make a special effort attend.  Carolyn and I look forward to seeing all of you in Williamsburg.

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