Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Care Report October 2019

Care Person Report by Susan Buelow   October 2019

Hello Dogwood Family,
As you know Donald Warthan passed away on October 10, 2019 at the age of 79. He and wife Carol are charter members of our chapter, and made many friends during the 23 years they have been part of Dogwood. Donald was always willing to help fix whatever needed fixing on member coaches, and always had a story or joke to share. He was an outstanding picker and singer, and on many occasions over the years, he, whether it be alone, with others pickers, or with his Heritage Band, entertained the RV community, family, and friends, and he loved doing it. We will miss you Donald, Rest in Peace dear friend and “Play On”. 

A Memorial Service was held for Donald on October 19, 2019 at Memorial United Methodist Church in Charles City. Nine members from Dogwood attended, along with several hundred family members and friends. It was a beautiful service and the church provided a delicious meal after. A quote from Carol, “Not too many people get to sing at their own funeral, but Donald did”. And that he did, via one of his CD’s. And it was very touching.
We have been in touch with Carol, and she is getting along and taking things one day at a time. And don’t be surprised if you see her at Urbanna or the Christmas Rally. That’s Carol, and we hope to see her soon.
A card from Dogwood was sent to the Warthan family, and a donation in Donald’s honor is being made to the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA).
Please keep the Warthan’s in your thoughts and prayers, and keep me informed if you know of someone in our family who is having problems.

Thank you and take care,
757 876-8673

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